I was lying down on my bed when it hit me... zucchini! I had one in my fridge from my grocery adventure earlier this week. It was fresh, firm and big..... Enough to do the trick. When you are in a pintch you have to use your imagination, and let’s be honest... when we purchase a zucchini its pretty much for one purpose.
So I run to my fridge to grab that beautiful piece of goodness. It was there, in my crisper....still hard and fresh as the first day I laid eyes on it at the store. Not one mark, bruise or defect... it was perfect... the most beautiful zucchini I’ve ever had. It was larger than most I’ve bought in the past, and knew it was up for the challenge.
I jumped in the shower and soaped up my body, quite excited about my plans with this vegetable. I really had to hurry though, as I wanted it to still be cold, fresh and firm. I kept giggling in anticipation! I had to keep my level of enthusiasm to a minimum, as I wanted to ensure I was properly clean and presentable.
All towelled off and ready to go, I grabbed it..... Still fresh and cold. I thought I’d better wrap it up first, so nothing got damaged. I grabbed a vegetable bag and gently placed it in the bottom and began wrapping it up... making certain not to bruise the flesh... I took my time. The smile on my face grew and I think a few giggles escaped from my mouth! Indeed they did! Game on!
It didn’t take long to drive my zucchini to the intended destination. I made sure I was driving it slow and carefully so that nothing would harm me, or my zucchini. I swear I had to turn up my music so I could scream with excitement and not look like a freak by just screaming for all to hear. So anyway... I made it ... it worked ... did the trick ... my friend opened the door to her house, and I proudly handed over my zucchini as my offering to her dinner party.
Sure other’s brought a DQ ice cream cake, but that’s high in fat... a zucchini is a crowd favourite. It s goes with anything on the menu...so next time you’re running around late for a dinner party, open the crisper grab a zucchini ... it’s a versatile vegetable!
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