Ever since I could remember I had a fascination with purses. Yes I admit it... PURSES! My funniest memories were when my great grandmother would let me play with her closet full of purses. I would strut around her house carrying my fashionable old ladies purse trying to figure out how many things I could put in all those compartments! I was fascinated by these handy over the shoulder carrying cases! The smell, feel and most of all the handles .. some short, some long, so didn’t even have any... I guess you just carry it like you would a wallet!
Now don’t get me wrong, at no point, did I ever wish I was a girl. All I wanted was a place to put all my favourite stuff when I left my house. I can’t tell you why I didn’t think of a suitcase, or perhaps a plastic bag... I guess the handles weren’t fun enough to capture my attention! Don’t even get me started on the zipper, clasp, or even snap... I swear I can jizz thinking about it now! The excitement I got when visiting my great grandmother!
Way ahead of my time is what I’m chalking it up too. These days it’s fashionable and normal for a guy to carry a purse... or shall we call it a murse, or manbag! I can’t tell you the first time I saw these on sale in the men’s dept... I think I moon walked down the aisle! ( to give you an idea of timeframe) My very first murse was the smallest over the shoulder and around the waste snap up job ... it had only 1 compartment, and a couple slide in pouches.. but heck it was enough for me. I could put my fav belongings in it when I leave the house ( the dream I dreamt of as a child). I carried anything I could think of .. .brush, book, pen, wallet, keys, even .. yes even my ‘swatch’.. why wear it when I was able to carry it around, and consistently go into my murse to check the time!
As time has gone on, I have and still have my fair share of every kind of murse. Small, med, large and extra large. I still get the same excitement as a child when I see them in the store. My thoughts instantly go to ‘what can i put in there’, ‘Is this an everyday murse, or just a dress up murse’? It’s very important to ask yourself these questions when purchasing the new ‘carrying case’! You don’t ever want to neglect the newest member of your army of murses! I guess I was way ahead of my time, or totally missed out on being the creator of the murse, and the millions that accompanied it. Can you imagine being able to carry around all that cash in one of your ‘own’ murses? Okay.. I’m dreaming again ..
The point is, when you’re a kid it’s the smallest things that give the greatest joy, even if its only a purse. It saved my childhood to carry all those frogs into my house when my mother caught on, and made me empty my pockets before coming in... not once did she think to empty my purse ... after all a purse is quite private and shouldn’t be made to empty on the floor... not for any occasion !
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