Some believe my inside voice was lost, and in some respects it true. I get a kick out of throwing out topics, or comments that only others think about, but rarely communicate. My version of being politically correct is just being yourself... you know RAW, REAL, AND RIDICULOUS!
Take for instant giving the finger to senior drivers who go a mere 20Km on the highway.. It’s what I feel at the moment, and it doesn’t physically hurt the senior... most cases they don’t even see my finger waving at them. I mean it’s hard to see, when your line of vision is that half circle of your steering wheel and the dashboard! We make these people retire at a certain age, but have no problems allowing them to hop behind the wheel of a car in their 90’s.. wtf? We need to have mandatory driving tests to see if they can actually keep up with traffic.. or even better ... SEE IT !
What about those who don’t speak or read English? We all see them on the streets.. they’re the ones who drive with that left blinker on , for blocks and blocks.. slowing down at every street, to just fool you in thinking...”oh they are turning now”. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve waved a finger, hung my head out the window giving them the ole fashion ‘welcome’ ... then they have the nerve to just smile and wave.. nothing pisses me off more... when someone doesn’t know when I’m raging on them! I want the name and number of the person in charge of giving them a license without knowing the language. You don’t see me jumping on a camel and racing across the desert.(although I’ve come close)
I’m not saying all old, immigrants, retards, disabled, enabled, or even gender confused people can’t drive... just the fucking stupid ones! I only drive 2 mins to work daily (yes I drive.. I’m helping the economy by consuming gasoline.. hello) and within this drive I’m stunned at the idiots I encounter along this trip. To make a left hand turn for some , require a 2 mile radius in each direction of no cars before they will even venture across that street. Nothing makes my balls lift and separate more then this! I wish we had rubber bumpers ... you know to nudge them out there.. .see what they do. Kinda like your Dad did when he threw you in the pool as a kid... sink or swim. Its life’s way of weeding out the weak... or so my Dad always told me! Think about it .. we shake hands when we meet, we hug when we know each other.. why not nudge in cars ... nudge an idiot! We can publically shame them with nudge marks on their bumpers... .you get 5 nudges before you lose your license! Oh gawd I would be nudging like nobody else!
Don’t get me wrong.. I believe everyone has the right to drive, just as I have the right to rage. I’m not the best driver and I have some friends who will not drive with me.. just cause I’m raw, real and ridiculous... come on grow a pair would ya!
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