Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I know many people from around the globe think what is it like to be Canadian... well I'm here to share with you a bit of what its like to be a Canuck. Most people generally think of us as the laid back American cousin... which is sad, cuz we are nothing like American's ... well besides having to share the same continent. Its not our fault the war of 1812 didn't pan out for em... baaahhhhhhh sucker's .. teach you to shoot in the dark.... although this must be where they came up with every man may bare arms.... or whatever... more like everyone allowed to shoot first....run next ...and hide in Canada third.... gesh we are nice people!

So to be Canadian for me is about living in a vast country that has many different landscapes...but in winter all resembles the same shit... one big snow bank! (well besides the southern coast of Bc.. unless you count the last winter! WTF?) So with that big of land it brings on challenges.. like regionalization.. what is best for each part of Canada... isn't best for other parts... so how do we fix this in Canada you may ask... well a good ole fashion curling match.. yup I said it.. curling. We throw stones on ice and see who can knock the other opponent out! Its not a complete fix to our problems as we tend to often take the yelling and heckling out to the parking lotwhere, after a few cold 5 % beer's, we lace up our skates and grab sticks to finish the deal. Its our own little Canadian way of being active in a climate that tends to freeze over for many months of the year. After all most area's only get 2 months of good weather and this is just enough to let the bruises heal before the next match... or shall I say debate on what is good for Canada.

Canadian or Canadien's (depending on where you live), have 2 official languages to choose from... but don't tell pockets of Canadians who speak Hindu, Chinese, Africans, Dutch, Czech, Hebrew, Spanish, Italian, Greek or even REAL French! Yup to keep our country united we adopted the 2nd language to which only 23% of us speak.. or care to speak... I guess to be Canadian this means a passing grade is only 23% .. then we make it law. Now don't get me wrong, I think its wonderful we have more then English, I mean just last week I was in Chinatown and every sign was not in either French or English... it was all these characters, not even letters... how does that work? It doesn't matter.... to be Canadian we don't worry about who speaks what, or what language gets used for signs... what we care about is ..... people live in their pockets of their own communities.... why else would we have little Italy, India, Greektown, French quarter, eastside! If they like to live by each other... all the better... we can quickly go in, throw our money at them.... buy their wares and leave... that is Canadian.. peaceful bargain shoppers! Don't split up Canada as a country... when we've split up cities to reflect the different nationalities and feel good about it!

We are a bunch of fun loving, warm people... we have to be.. we don't want to start a war in this country and have to brave some of the brutal winter storms and fight... I mean our armies would be in green camouflage in the summer and white in the winter. We would be building trenches of snow ... and could you image a stand off in the prairies.... it would be one side on the border of Manitoba .... the other on the boarder of Alberta... all with a great view of what each other is doing! Its like the saying goes... you can watch your dog run away for days! Its not like the flatlands of Canada are anything to write home about... well other then the oil sands we have in Alberta... now there is our national treasure of late. What a great way to create an environmental disaster and have the entire world focus on us. Its not like Canada to wave a flag and promote ourselves... but if by chance we get a spot on the global platform... we really go for it. What people don't understand is most of the CEO's of these oil companies are actually American's ... cuz there is no way a true Canadian would exploit our country for the sake of the world..... its just not us... just look at how we handled soft wood trade with the USA... we certainly didn't make a big stink about it when they slapped tariffs on our wood and killed that industry... again we are fun loving warm people... you have to be to live next to the states!

I don't want you to get the wrong idea about Canada, and what it means to be Canadian... we are a good bunch of people. You know the kind that will be there when called upon... Afghanistan for instant! We take our peace making troops to an area that is so full of turmoil and begin to fight on the front lines... now remember we only have 3 battle ships ... a couple of really old helicopters and water guns that spring leaks for arms. Why wouldn't we want to go to a hot spot of the world to help out our neighbours... BECAUSE WE ARE CANADIAN! We will help out anyone if they need us... minus Iraq.... just due to the huge number of bodies we would need to place there... after all its not like any kid in Canada grows up thinking they need to enlist... so our defenses are a bit low. But honestly why would they need a big number.... seriously... its not like we fight wars all the time.... take the Arctic for example... we claimed it years ago when it was still full of ice and things... but now that global warming has caught on ...in a big way.. other countries feel they can put their flag on this land and call it their own. What do Canadians do ... take our ice breaking ship up there to pull out the flag and then call a news conference about how, such and such a country has no right to claim the arctic! Honestly... HONESTLY ... if any country REALLY wanted it... we can't stop them... our troops are off fighting someone else's war!

With that being said... to be really Canadian is to have the worlds interest at heart... to be there like an old friend for someone in need. We are the ole faithful of the world.... you don't hear too much from us, and we don't expect too much from others. We don't wave flags outside our homes, we don't go around with maple leafs tagged to our cars, houses, bikes, boats, or even beings.... but we do care for the world and its people. Its no wonder American's when traveling will show their maple leaf on their bags to say to the world... 'DON'T SHOT ME I'M CANADIAN'.. that my friends is the biggest compliment you can give a Canadian ... RESPECT !

Happy Canada Day CANADA.....you ole wet blanket you !

Date and Dash

We have all at one time or another been heading out for a blind date, and really not sure what awaits us.. other then the anticipation of, could this be the one who knocks my socks off.. the one that makes me smile when I don't even intend too... the one who puts a tingle in my pringle. Its not like we expect each blind date we venture on... to be our last.. but we want it to be at least a pleasant experience... a story we can tell for years ....

You head out to your location.. the one you both picked to meet up for the very first time. You decide, should I arrive early or show up on time.. is it easier to be the one waiting so you don't have to look like a fool when you enter and can't figure out who the person is! Let's admit it now... some photo's people post are not exactly a true depiction of their representation. I swear they either sift through hundred's of photos to find the 1 or 3 that look the best.... and some are from decades before... which really amazes me why anyone would want to give a picture from 20lbs ago...its only going to create an uneasy start to the dreaded blind date.

You are face to face now... both looking at each other and inner voices raising. WTF..WTH...who is this? Did you eat a healthy dinner the night before which created those extra pounds.. are you just retaining water... okay.. okay... let's see they might be a nice person.. make me laugh. The tension fades as the initial meeting is over.... you have questions but you dare not to ask them.... you know the ones... " why the hell would you lie about what you look like, you big donkey" ..... or " how the HELL can I cut this early, you sack of shit" ... oh yes we all think of something along these lines and I'm here to give you some tips on how to get out of the blind date from hell'ness !

I'm not about to give you the normal advice we all know about... like getting a friend to call.... saying you have to get up early for work.... that's just too obvious ... plus its been done many times. My advice will give you the leading edge for GREAT stories for your friends... family or whomever you want to share this experience with. Perhaps you don't even want to relive the event, but either way its going to make you giggle or give someone you care about a great big chuckle... and who doesn't like to hear about the good fortune of other's mistakes?!

My list will read as follows...

1. If its a coffee date, and you are both up at the counter paying for your coffee's ( you get a small in hopes you drink it fast to bolt), and just when your blind date is buying their coffee, you slip a biscotti into their purse, bag or pocket. You then gently lean towards the person taking the money and whisper .. " they just stole a biscotti" ! This will for sure end the date promptly with the police showing up to take the lying sack of shit away for questioning.... of course they will have no idea how that biscotti jumped into their being.. but does it matter... you're half way home to relax!

2. You have made it 2 sips into your coffee and thinking desperately how to end this.. the conversation isn't that great, things aren't flowing too well... bring up your past criminal record.... go into detail... talk about court appearances where you showed up drunk, talk about how you lied to your lawyer so they would really stand up for you. Make sure to laugh as you tell your tale of criminal actions... all the while slapping them on their shoulder and winking! Let them know though you got off and you weren't charged.. its important they understand that you can afford a really good lawyer.

3. Light up a smoke... even if you don't smoke, may I suggest buying a pack before the date and a fresh lighter. If this is the date from hell, you can always reach into your bag, bring out the pack of cancer sticks and light up. Now you don't have to inhale, this exercise isn't about becoming addicted to smoking.. its just a way to cut the date short. Then proceed to give them a smoke and create fun with it.. tell them you want to have a competition on who can blow the best smoke rings.... if they say no the first time.... keep asking... hounding really until its really uncomfortable. Now if they do smoke... make sure to blow the smoke directly into their face.. cough uncontrollably with fluids spurting every where.. .then keep spitting on the ground beside the table.

4. Bring up all the sexual disease's you have caught through the years. Its good to bring this topic up, not only to cut the date short, but also see if the other person decides to share as well. Either way... its a good thing! Make sure you list off your STI's you've had, how you got them and what position you got them in. The more detail he better for this... nobody just wants to hear you got anal warts ... they want to know 'how' you got them!

5. Having bad manners is a good way to cut it short... I mean if the other person didn't have enough manners to give you a picture of them that was current .. then what's wrong with a little bodily gas while chatting. As you are talking... burp during your conversation.. but don't indicate that you burped.... just continue on with your chat.... .all while blowing it in their direction. Now if the burps don't scare them... try excusing yourself from the table to go to the washroom and just as you leave... let one rip... I mean a wet one... then continue walking to the can... if anything when you get back the table with be empty and you are set free.

6. Trying to keep the conversation going... cuz your inner voice is still screaming to get the hell out? Try picking your nose.. dig deep and make sure there is a good load ready for harvest. Don't stop there though... lean down and grab your bag... pull out a baggie and drop the boogies into the baggie... then proceed to tell them you have a little collection at home and have been collecting your boogies since the age of 10.


7. Asking them about previous blind dates.... and asking them if they had a bad one. Get all the detail you can from their bad date... at least this way you can determine if this person has ever sat in your current shoes. Then continue to look really interested in what they're saying and ask.. come right out and ask.. how did you end it..... let them tell their story and then proceed to do exactly what they have just told you. If this doesn't give them a clue... well it doesn't matter... you've ended the date and you are free.

Now, my advice isn't for everyone, but its an option for those who find themselves on the blind date for hell. I wouldn't suggest that you try all of these during 1 date... just pick one.. practice it.. .perfect it. There is no sense getting a friend to call you during a date with an emergency... its too normal. If you are going to be stuck on a bad date.. why not make the most of it.. give yourself a great story to tell friends.
I can't wait to hear the stories from people who use my suggestions ... I want to know if they work, how long each took before the date was called to a close. I of course could use them myself.. but let's be honest... every single thing on this list is actually true in my case... so its the norm for me.. but would be open to suggestions from others... you know .. just in case I actually decide I want to date..... and dash !

Monday, June 29, 2009

Man in the Mirror

What I'm about to 'rant' about may offend some, or make you stop and think there is a bit of logic to what I'm saying. Yes I'm about to talk about the entire MJ fiasco and the results of behavior surrounding his untimely death. We all know where we were when we got wind of the whispers that Michael Jackson was dead... I'm sure we all felt the same feeling of disbielf... not that he was dead, but due to the shock that someone who was so iconic was dead.

What get's my goat is the endless turnout from people who knew MJ, or people in the entertainment business making statements about MJ and how he was a trail blazer, a hero, an industry first. How much he effected their lives and their path in the business. I have never heard so much positive reactions of Michael since I was a kid and the 'Thriller' album hit the stores. I remember myself as a kid being fascinated by Michael and wanted anything to do with his likeness. I even got my grandmother to knit me that famous white glove, so I too could feel what it must have been like to be Michael Jackson. I would even sit in my room looking at pictures of him and wondering... wow.. what is he doing right now.... was he sleeping when I slept, was he listening to music, was he laughing... was he playing!? Yes there were all thoughts I had as a child when it came to Michael Jackson.. and I'm sure I wasn't alone.

But as time went on, he became really distant from that 'image' I had of him, and I would think everyone else who knew him. I never once thought that Michael was loosing it... I kinda felt sorry for him, as I would also think about how difficult it would be to just live your life if you were Michael Jackson. Can you imagine not being able to go for a walk to clear your head, not be able to do basic chores we all do.. like go shopping, buying groceries, paying bills, going on trips, inviting friends over for dinner, being alone with one's thoughts? I use to think of this and feel sorry for him.. not to be able to go outside without making it a big ordeal... can you imagine just wanting to leave your house and then having to plan the whole event, and have protection in doing so? Of course you would have a very unclear vision on what we perceive a normal life... I can't fathom going for a coffee and having to clear it with my body guards, manager or anyone else... talk about a prisoner of life. I guess this is one of the pitfalls of becoming too famous...

So, when you think if MJ was crazy.... well wouldn't you be? Could you imagine during your most deepest darkest moments in life if everyone around you distanced themselves from you? I believe this is what happened to MJ as time went on.... everyone wanted to disassociate with MJ in fear of being guilty by association. We can relate to this, by making a decision in our life NOT to hang out with someone, or befriend someone who may get you down the wrong path... but can you imagine turning your back on a friend, or having your friend turn their back on you? Its hard to even think of someone in our life not being there for us when we need it... but this is exactly what happened to MJ. During the first ordeal in the early 90's when the all know what he was accused of... people began to really distance themselves from MJ.... you didn't hear a peep from people in the industry coming to his defense.... you didn't hear people standing up...but what you did see and hear was NOTHING. Can you even begin to imagine if this was you... .taking on a crisis in your life .. ALONE? Would this not make you a bit crazy?

We all know the outcome of the court actions... that is not what I'm talking about... its the reaction of the people closest to MJ. Did they come out then and cheer for him? Perhaps in private, but not publically. I don't ever recall hearing P Diddy, Usher or even Jamie Fox come out and say... he is innocent, let's celebrate Michael. There was no rally put on by these people... even though MJ was the first to bring on countless charity concerts to help those in need. I guess if this was me... and my friends weren't there to support me during a very difficult time... just turned their backs on me... but in death all came out and said wonderful things about me, and how I was this legend.. I would be PISSED and haunt the shit out of their lives for as long as I could. I think you all would too.. think about it... being alone... to deal with trauma in your life with every friend close to you... not there. I can't imagine.

I don't want people to not talk about MJ, or say he wasn't a trail blazer, a legend or anything else. Michael was to each of us the Michael we all want to remember. Whether it be from the Jackson 5 era, Thriller, Black or White, or plastic surgery, or the court cases. ..... this was his entire life. Its good to celebrates someone's life when they die... the good .. the bad.. and the ugly. After all this is what makes a person's life. But to get up.... be in the public eye stating he was the best thing since slice bread really gets me going. What is their motive? I guess its ' IN ' to be on MJ's side now that he is dead. Yes he was a very talented artist, he did shape the African American music industry, he did break boundaries, he did create his own identity, he did enjoy being around children, he did many things... talk about it.. all of it ! Its making me sick to see all those in the business coming out to talk about how lovely, incredible, amazing he was... where the hell were they when he needed them? I guess to busy worrying about their own identity and lifestyle.

I've never been famous, so I don't know what its like to live your life by how others perceive you. I do know however, that me, as a person is exactly the same as anyone else... same emotions, same bodily functions, same questions of why, and same searching for the answer's to my why's. I, like most people, have been instilled with morals and values and use these qualities for being a better person. I never want to turn my back on a friend in need... I never want to put my own agenda before a friend in need.. and I never want to become a hypocrite when it comes to a friend. I can't imagine stepping back in someone' s life... to then step forward in their death. To be front and centre speaking nothing but 'greatness' about them.... after I hadn't been there .... my morals couldn't let me .... there is no way I would want to ever come across as fake.. and for people who know me... know I'm anything but fake.

I say this for those reading this 'rant' about MJ.. its not all about MJ... its about our own personal values that shape us as individuals. If you can't be there for someone in life... thick or thin... then don't step up in death... its too late for the person who needed to hear it the most.... the dead. Its a sad world, we have created when society believes everything is black or white... step back and look at the man in the mirror... its gonna be startin something... cuz you never can say goodbye.... if you aren't present in life!

ps. I know its paying respect of the dead.. but let's try respecting during life !

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mommy Groups vs Cult

I have a friend who just had a baby.... and I must admit the cutest baby I have ever seen... well except for my own baby shots... I think my mother took 1 of me when I was a baby... the pit falls of being the youngest and born into a poor camera family. I know that if they had a camera, there would have been more. Although if you talk to my Mom, she says there are lots... I have yet to see all these photos.... and I'm 24 now.... so highly doubt there are.. but anyway, back to my original topic.

I understand the importance of Mommy groups.. for young mothers to meet other mothers who just pushed out a baby thru a very small, but in some cases large opening! Not pointing figures at who is who with this one... anyway... they get together to talk about how their babies are doing, what is happening, how you do this, that and the other thing. They meet up to have coffee, play in the park, walks or even swimming lesson ( to where the baby doesn't even get a badge)! So with all that they have this group they call the Mommy's group.... to which I will refer to it as ... THE CULT !

In my eyes, this is one step away from a horrible cool-aid incident... you know the one where everyone drank their refreshing drink laced with poison? I'm sure it started off with small meet ups in public places... you know a place where they could talk about.... oh I don't know... cult stuff. A regular meeting that grew and took on more of a lifestyle then a social gathering... kinda like those Mommy groups.
You can't tell me Mommy groups are friendly, cuz I've heard some horror stories of some of these groups.... you show up and get snubbed by other Mommy's who only drink ice latte's... or Mommy's who only breast feed.. or Mommy's who do regular work outs to get back to their pre Mommy days....

I guess what I want to know is this... how many ways could their be to change a diaper, or even how often.. if its full ....change it. I'm not expert on diapers but from what I understand they all do up the same way .. no? How many different ways is there to feed a child who is hungry... isn't it the child who determines when they are hungry... hence the no sleep you get from all those middle of the night wake ups? Do you talk about how far you tip the bottle into the mouth? How often you burp them, or how you burp them? What are all the different types of rashes on their bottoms? How many different types of rashes could there be... you see bumps and redness you know you got a rash on your hands... put cream on it ! When should your baby be holding their head up, crawling, walking, teething.. the list goes on. Since when did a baby come with a manual ... as far as I know, each baby is unique in that way.. .No?

So, what I'm saying is this... what really do Mommy's talk about in their group? It can't be all about baby stuff... perhaps they talk about husbands.... how they do nothing, don't really help out.. don't hold the baby the right way.. .can't stand changing their diaper...doesn't look at me the same way as before.... could these be some of the topics you think? If this is.. then its a cult... a cult of mothers who think they are the only people on this earth who can care properly for their child... and then try to out do, and out know the other mommy's. This can't be a healthy environment... to be constantly competing with other Mommy's. This is where the cult begins... First it will be morning meet ups.. then pool meet ups.. then weekend meet ups.... with cake and things. They will then look at other people who have kids and try to tell them the best way to care for their child.. what worked for theirs MUST work for everyone else's. They begin to preach about what to eat, what to take, what not to eat, what not to take .. as it might harm their child. I swear .. my mother smoked and ate what she wanted with me.... and nothing really happened... unless you count that .. well ... this isn't about me is it.

So, I'm thinking about joining some of these groups to see what exactly is being talked about. What is the fun of getting together with other hormonal mom's who just gave birth and think they have the best child, the best way and the best future for their baby? I see this as a competition, and anyone who knows me .... knows I am very competitive... So if anyone has a baby they would like to give up for a few hours a day... I prefer a newly changed, well feed, only sleeps type of baby. I have no problem stating in private that I will puke at the sight of poo... will not handle any type of puke and don't like a high pitched noise whaling out of anyone. Plus if I'm about to give some advice on what other mother's should do.. I better have a damn good child in tow. Oh yeah they have to be cute... let's be honest .. if I'm going to pass off a kid as my own... they HAVE to be cute.... I've seen some pretty horrible looking babies in those Mommy's groups... ears out to there... eyes all wonky... alien shaped heads.

I'm curious by nature and if I can save 1 mom from the torment of Mommy groups, well I've done my job. I must find out what is being talked about.... the snickers, the gossiping... the back stabbing... I want apart of it all. I want to eventually open these groups up to anyone... you know, if you like baby's... want to be a baby... want to be a mommy.. attracted to mommy's.... everyone should be allowed to join and give their 2 cents on any topic... we live in a free society where we place an importance on freedom of speech.. and freedom of choice... so let me choose whether I want to join a Mommy's group ... I like cake just like the next person !

Friday, June 26, 2009


Remembering way back in the day when I kept thinking and dreaming about what I will be when I grow up. I was always telling stories of how rich I would be, what I would own and of course build the famous Wayne Redmond Mall Hall. I haven't got a clue what that was going to be except a HUGE building that was named after ME. So let's get everyone up to speed on where I've come since those days of telling my story of "when I grow up"....

I grew up in a very small farming town in Southern Ontario with a population of around I believe at the time was 500.. no stop lights, barely a stop sign.. but you knew enough to slow down and look both ways before crossing the road. I learned this the hard way... run right over after leaving school... by my mothers friend... oh yes she mowed me down and ran completely over me... luckily my Aunt lived across from the school, in which the principle carried me to her place. I still remember my mother telling me what my Aunt had said to her when she called to say I was run over... " Wayne's been run over by a car" .. then hangs up! Its always good to just get right to the point and leave out the detail that I was alive.... my poor mother! For all you mother's out there... you can only imagine the horror in getting a call that your FAVOURITE son was run over.. oh yes I said FAVOURITE..... I always reminded my brother of this fact .. and still do to this day. How couldn't I be the favourite..... funny, smart, and let's not forget CUTE..

Anyway, I was always known as a momma's boy and had no problems with it.. my mother was my world. She kept me safe, she allowed me to be who I am, and always told me to 'dry up' when I got too sarcastic.... I know me... sarcastic?! I was suppose to be the child who grew up and stayed close to my mother, and not leave her side... or so thought my entire family. But I was 19 when I went out to London, signed a lease on a townhouse and was moving. You should have heard the NO YOU AREN'T .. when I told my mother.. but it was too late.. the lease was signed and I was packing up what little belongings a 19yr old momma's boy could have!

So, I moved to the 'big city' as my family would refer to it, without a care or job really.. When I have a plan in my head its really hard to stop me. So I lived in the big city for about 7 years.. experiencing life and all the up's and downs that went with it. I went to school, had jobs and a car and thought I was living and experiencing life.. UNTIL..... I woke up one morning with the thought of Vancouver.... never talked about Vancouver, never known anyone to go out there, never seen pictures of it.. but knew this was where I was to go.... most likely to accomplish my 'when I grow up' stint! I moved in a matter of a month.. sold everything or threw it out to start my life in Vancouver. Even had to call my brother 3 months before his wedding to tell him... not only that I was moving, but also... get this... I wouldn't be able to stand up with him on his wedding day... or get this.... be there! He took it well as I recall.. told me this.. " sound like something you have to do and I support you" .. phew... that went well.. now to call my mother and break the news to her that her FAVOURITE son was moving even further away. ( she cried for days when I moved to London and that was only 20 mins down the highway)... her response was this... after a long pause ... OHHHHH NOOOO YOU AREN'T !

So, in 96 I went to Vancouver on a one way ticket to 'when I grow up' land. I instantly felt like I was at home.. not sure why just a feeling that YES I was suppose to be here. It was a good experience... no job, little money and only dreams of 'when I grow up'. Sure not every single experience in this city was positive, let's not get carried away, but it provided me with the know how of doing it myself. I quickly made a home for myself in the city, met some people and began my adventure with Bc. I started with little jobs to get my feet on the ground and then pursued the big job that could and would in my eyes,.....fulfill my dream of " when I grow up". I worked my ass off for years, day in and day out, climbed my way up the ladder of success and made more money then I could possibly dream of.... that Wayne Redmond Mall Hall was just around the corner! Until..... the day .... I became... BORED AND NOT CHALLENGED.. I know how could I not be challenged .. how could I be bored with that bank account... the fact was .... I wasn't able to experience life.. I was just living it! I asked for a buy out.... to the horror of others and amazement of myself.... I took the money and ran .. .like the wind... closing that door fast with a huge slam.

What a risky adventure I was taking.... to leave the money, the success, and admiration of my family. They didn't understand why I would take such a risk, and frankly I couldn't believe I was either, but after living the corporate world and seeing what I was becoming.. it scared me. That wasn't in my plan of " when I grow up " ! When I talked about it as a child it was with excitement, knowing that I could and would experience life at it most. The fact was.. I was only experiencing greed ... my own greed ! To have no care about the 'cost' of something, to ever have to worry about paying a bill.. scared me. I would look at some of my friends who were struggling and think.. wow they are so lucky. I know you are all thinking... LUCKY... how is that lucky? To me it was still having a dream and working towards it.... the " WHEN I GROW UP " phase! I had lived that dream.. .and you know what... it certainly didn't feel like it did when I was young and telling my story .... I remember being so excited when telling it... to be rich.. to buy anything you want... to be successful.... what happened?

Its about " when I grow up " ... it wasn't really about being rich, having anything and everything I wanted, it was about living my life to experience it... not just live it ! It was a hard pill to swallow.. but its true. I never want to loose my motto of " when I grow up " ... who the hell wants to grow up.. that's boring. I do want to continue experiencing ... taking risks, having dreams and keeping my feet on the ground at all times. I know that money, having that 'great' job and corporate success doesn't make you happy... what makes you happy is to have a dream of " when I grow up "....an experience to out beat your last experience! Thank you Mom for allowing me to dream.... standing behind me every step of the way and listening to all my stories of "when I grow up " .... just to let you know... " I will NEVER grow up if that means to let go of my dreams " .....oh yeah .. and sorry that your FAVOURITE son moved away from you.. .but I had this dream.....