I have a co-worker who has this cat who is 19yrs old... YES, I said 19! I know it’s crazy to believe a cat could live this long, but her ball of matts has managed to survive! From what I’ve heard of this kitty, it’s extremely mean, and certainly not a lap cat... or even walking around your feet without hissing or biting. Who would want a cat such as this? Sherry would!
The cat began meowing at night... into the night air and at nothing in particular. Starting pissing all over the place and was getting even more matts then Susan’s inbox on singles sites! Sherry was desperately trying to figure out a solution for little fluffy... starting putting her in the garage so she could sing her song all night long, and not wake her up. Not to mention, allowing her to let her bowels go and not make too much of a mess... I guess it’s easy clean up on concrete, rather than carpet. Sherry thought this was the best solution until she brought the topic up at work. To me of all people....
She told the storey with her voice shaking, hair a mess and bags under her eyes... I guess it was a sleepless night with the cat songs! I was in shock that this cat was even alive then alone able to piss and meow in the garage. I told her she needed to take that kitty to the vet, so they could tell her that this cat is on its 9th life, and should be put down. The horror in her face when she realized that she will have to make the choice to kill her kitty... it was like telling someone that they have to put their kid down! I’ve been warned about cat people... strange bunch!
Sherry built up the courage to take the mean kitty to the vet to have that one last shot. She even bought a new carrier to put the ailing cat in... Just had to figure out a way to get a hold of the cat... she doesn’t like to be touched! But then again who wants to be touched when your hair is full of matts, and your bowels could explode at anytime! But she managed to get the cat in the carrier, and off to the doctors she drove. I’m sure with tears in her eyes and a beating heart so strong that the Natives thought the spirits of the dead were speaking to them!
Next thing you know Sherry is in the vet, and talking to the doctor. He says this cat shouldn’t be put down, and needs some tests, special food, and some B12 shots. He doesn’t think this kitty is dying at all... just a big case of kidney failure and good brushing! What does Sherry do you ask? Well she listens to the good doctor and a couple hundred dollars later walks out the door with her over priced food, medicine and new outlook on this 19yr old kitty! Off to the garage she sped!
So it’s been a week, and it’s time for Sherry to re-visit the good doctor for a check up on her kitty. I asked her how things were going, to which she said....’alright i guess’! Alright I shrieked, after all that only alright? Come on! When do you decide enough is enough and time to separate with your garage kitty? Now that she has invested hundreds of dollars, and let’s not mention time it takes to give the 19yr old kitty her medicine... when does she makes the ultimate choice of sending it to kitty heaven? It’s not like kidneys repair themselves with some pills, or B12 shots...
Sherry now has to decide how much further she is going to go with garage kitty. Already talking about getting a nice new kitten, but can’t until the matted one is dead. She is afraid she will eat a kitty... that’s how mean this cat is! So, Sherry will be off to the vet this week to get some shots to give this cat... or will she just give her garage kitty the ‘one’ shot it should be getting? Now keep in mind this is coming from the same person who said one day “Oh my god, I don’t think I fed my kids last night, I remember making myself a salad, but...oh no, I didn’t feed them”! I guess it’s alright to save garage kitty with hundreds of dollars, but to spend a couple bucks on dinner for the kids is out of the question! When do you decide to put a pet down, and take that time to feed your kids some dinner? Only Sherry really knows, but I’m hoping she does the right thing and feeds her family with a feast!
One a brighter note, her mother should be thankful, that when she gets older and her body is ailing, Sherry will take her in, spend all her money of pills. Although she will put her in the garage if she starts complaining to much .....