Remembering way back in the day when I kept thinking and dreaming about what I will be when I grow up. I was always telling stories of how rich I would be, what I would own and of course build the famous Wayne Redmond Mall Hall. I haven't got a clue what that was going to be except a HUGE building that was named after ME. So let's get everyone up to speed on where I've come since those days of telling my story of "when I grow up"....
I grew up in a very small farming town in Southern Ontario with a population of around I believe at the time was 500.. no stop lights, barely a stop sign.. but you knew enough to slow down and look both ways before crossing the road. I learned this the hard way... run right over after leaving school... by my mothers friend... oh yes she mowed me down and ran completely over me... luckily my Aunt lived across from the school, in which the principle carried me to her place. I still remember my mother telling me what my Aunt had said to her when she called to say I was run over... " Wayne's been run over by a car" .. then hangs up! Its always good to just get right to the point and leave out the detail that I was alive.... my poor mother! For all you mother's out there... you can only imagine the horror in getting a call that your FAVOURITE son was run over.. oh yes I said FAVOURITE..... I always reminded my brother of this fact .. and still do to this day. How couldn't I be the favourite..... funny, smart, and let's not forget CUTE..
Anyway, I was always known as a momma's boy and had no problems with it.. my mother was my world. She kept me safe, she allowed me to be who I am, and always told me to 'dry up' when I got too sarcastic.... I know me... sarcastic?! I was suppose to be the child who grew up and stayed close to my mother, and not leave her side... or so thought my entire family. But I was 19 when I went out to London, signed a lease on a townhouse and was moving. You should have heard the NO YOU AREN'T .. when I told my mother.. but it was too late.. the lease was signed and I was packing up what little belongings a 19yr old momma's boy could have!
So, I moved to the 'big city' as my family would refer to it, without a care or job really.. When I have a plan in my head its really hard to stop me. So I lived in the big city for about 7 years.. experiencing life and all the up's and downs that went with it. I went to school, had jobs and a car and thought I was living and experiencing life.. UNTIL..... I woke up one morning with the thought of Vancouver.... never talked about Vancouver, never known anyone to go out there, never seen pictures of it.. but knew this was where I was to go.... most likely to accomplish my 'when I grow up' stint! I moved in a matter of a month.. sold everything or threw it out to start my life in Vancouver. Even had to call my brother 3 months before his wedding to tell him... not only that I was moving, but also... get this... I wouldn't be able to stand up with him on his wedding day... or get this.... be there! He took it well as I recall.. told me this.. " sound like something you have to do and I support you" .. phew... that went well.. now to call my mother and break the news to her that her FAVOURITE son was moving even further away. ( she cried for days when I moved to London and that was only 20 mins down the highway)... her response was this... after a long pause ... OHHHHH NOOOO YOU AREN'T !
So, in 96 I went to Vancouver on a one way ticket to 'when I grow up' land. I instantly felt like I was at home.. not sure why just a feeling that YES I was suppose to be here. It was a good experience... no job, little money and only dreams of 'when I grow up'. Sure not every single experience in this city was positive, let's not get carried away, but it provided me with the know how of doing it myself. I quickly made a home for myself in the city, met some people and began my adventure with Bc. I started with little jobs to get my feet on the ground and then pursued the big job that could and would in my eyes,.....fulfill my dream of " when I grow up". I worked my ass off for years, day in and day out, climbed my way up the ladder of success and made more money then I could possibly dream of.... that Wayne Redmond Mall Hall was just around the corner! Until..... the day .... I became... BORED AND NOT CHALLENGED.. I know how could I not be challenged .. how could I be bored with that bank account... the fact was .... I wasn't able to experience life.. I was just living it! I asked for a buy out.... to the horror of others and amazement of myself.... I took the money and ran .. .like the wind... closing that door fast with a huge slam.
What a risky adventure I was taking.... to leave the money, the success, and admiration of my family. They didn't understand why I would take such a risk, and frankly I couldn't believe I was either, but after living the corporate world and seeing what I was becoming.. it scared me. That wasn't in my plan of " when I grow up " ! When I talked about it as a child it was with excitement, knowing that I could and would experience life at it most. The fact was.. I was only experiencing greed ... my own greed ! To have no care about the 'cost' of something, to ever have to worry about paying a bill.. scared me. I would look at some of my friends who were struggling and think.. wow they are so lucky. I know you are all thinking... LUCKY... how is that lucky? To me it was still having a dream and working towards it.... the " WHEN I GROW UP " phase! I had lived that dream.. .and you know what... it certainly didn't feel like it did when I was young and telling my story .... I remember being so excited when telling it... to be rich.. to buy anything you want... to be successful.... what happened?
Its about " when I grow up " ... it wasn't really about being rich, having anything and everything I wanted, it was about living my life to experience it... not just live it ! It was a hard pill to swallow.. but its true. I never want to loose my motto of " when I grow up " ... who the hell wants to grow up.. that's boring. I do want to continue experiencing ... taking risks, having dreams and keeping my feet on the ground at all times. I know that money, having that 'great' job and corporate success doesn't make you happy... what makes you happy is to have a dream of " when I grow up "....an experience to out beat your last experience! Thank you Mom for allowing me to dream.... standing behind me every step of the way and listening to all my stories of "when I grow up " .... just to let you know... " I will NEVER grow up if that means to let go of my dreams " .....oh yeah .. and sorry that your FAVOURITE son moved away from you.. .but I had this dream.....
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