Wouldn’t it be great, if we really did know if there was a god? To know that after we die we head to a place that is white, fluffy and full of smiles. A place that never allowed negative thoughts, actions or gave you colds crabs or even a bad case of gas! Can you imagine ...smiles, giggles and chuckles up the ying yang? WOW I can’t wait...
From what I know, there is something after we die; I’m just confused as to what it is. For those that know me... “I see, hear, talk, and sleep with dead people”! Okay perhaps not sleep like you’re thinking, but once there was someone who came into my bed and curled up behind me! This was one of the few moments that truly scared me to death.... okay not death, or I wouldn’t be writing this now... but you get the idea!
So if Jesus was the son of this ‘god’, then there is a heaven, and from there I guess we get to take trips. Kinda like we do now when our lives get to hectic! We leave our place we live, go away to get rest, and then come back to the place that made us leave to begin with! (This could be another blog)! Anyway... I guess they take trips to see us... and torment people like me on their earth vacation! Which is strange cuz after spending years here, why would they want to come back? I have been to places before, over and over, and not had the desire to go back again... even in death I would assume! But the fact is they come back to visit and either play games, or give information that makes no sense.
Once I got this message to tell a daughter, that she was” sorry she didn’t believe her”. This all happened while I was painting my living room. Yeah I’m in the middle of cutting in, and this lady comes to me, says this and leaves! I stood thinking... wtf?!? Now in this instance I knew who this lady was, but had no idea how I was going to get this message to her daughter and in what manner... so what did I do you ask? I called my mom... like anyone would do. Told her, and she said she would try to mention it to a relative and perhaps that would pass it along... works for me! Mom’s always have the best solutions for colds, cuts and ghosts!
Then another time I was driving my car and looked in my rear view mirror and thought to myself... wow this Lady is riding my ass.... then looked again to figure out this lady was in my back seat! Just sitting there in her... for lack of a better term... 80’s cougar wear! Blonde hair frizzed out and feathered back with a large amount of make up on. I gasped and called my friend. Now don’t get me wrong I wasn’t scared at the ghost, I was scared at her appearance! You mean to tell me even in death you don’t get any style tips, or make over’s? If there really is a heaven, shouldn’t there be the ultimate make over... you know like the ‘swan’ program a few years ago, where they took butt ugly people and made them into someone else! All I know is, my heaven better consist of spas and sneak up on you makeover TV shows.... I want my butt to look so perky up on those clouds!
The most rewarding one thus far was the kid who killed himself and his friend 2 months later. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying this suicide was the best thing that happened to me, but these boys were fun and full of energy like nobody else I’ve encountered. They came to me often, walked me through what they did and why, so I could pass that along to their family. They gave me names, items and acted out stories that only their family would know. It was incredible to have these boys come to me, as they were really the spirits that opened my eyes that YES there is something after we die! Again I’m not sure if it’s the heaven we think it is, but it’s another place. The funniest thing these boys did to me happened while I was napping on my couch, after a long day of eating! You know those sleeps where you are just sorta in limbo and aware of what is happening around you, but still aware that you are sleeping... anyway they were behind me and placing my finger in my mouth while I was snoring and laughing at my sucking on my finger every time I inhaled... due to the noise that made. I woke up and started laughing cuz my finger was in my mouth and the boys were laughing so hard. I yelled at them to get lost I’m trying to sleep to which they showed me their beards..... which I thought was strange, but it made more sense when I told the one boy’s mother what happened and she said they use to do that to their Dad when he fell asleep on the couch, and as for the beard thing... well his Dad had a beard and he always couldn’t wait to have one.... now he does! Which goes back to my other encounter with cougar lady... if there was a choice in hair.. .why the 80’s doo?!!!
I guess we will all find out at one point what happens after death... or perhaps we won’t, but either way I know there is something... whether it be heaven, or another dimension. I just want... where ever I go to be fun, full of smiles, and all white with a hint of black. After all my years of watching HGTV... it has told me that there must be black to give you grounding colour to make things pop! I want to be able to take earth vacations to watch people freak out when I appear.... now keep in mind, I won’t be jumping out at you in cars, curling up with you bed... but I most definitely will be peaking on you in the shower, alone in your room, or walking beside you when you enter the XXX store! After all, if I’m taking an earth vacation I’m going to make the most of it, and see all the sites I wasn’t able to see before... YOU!
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