So last night I have a one man party...plugging in my ipod, grabbing some red juice... shut the blinds, and began dancing my ass off. Isn’t it funny how sexy you can be when your alone, looking into a mirror? My place is covered with mirrors... hey; I like to look at myself from every angle. Plus it makes light bounce to those dark corners of your place. Another trick I learned from HGTV.
So I’m dancing around, doing the best funky chicken that’s ever been attempted. I’m glancing in my mirror, just making sure everything that was supposed to be bouncing was, and what wasn’t ... well wasn’t! I’m not even going to get into how many glass of red wine it took to stop the staring at those parts that didn’t stop moving well after I stopped dancing!
I totally had myself tricked into thinking I had what it took to get out there and take on my past dream as a kid... to be a dancer. I had the moves, the shakes, everything seem to come together. I even made up moves that have yet to be named, but I know one day I will see those moves on a music video... it’s the story of my life people! I swear I was the first person to do the worm back in the day, but it more so from drinking too many beers and practicing my diving skills... yes I dove too! But have you ever tried diving on the ground? You HAVE to curve your body... thus the ‘worm’ was invented. You can only imagine my dismay when I heard about this new move the worm that all the 80’s break dancers were doing... all wrong mind you... where was the picnic table to take off from?!
Anyway I kept this up longer then I should have... it was a work night! I didn’t want to shut off the music or stop the dancing. It made me feel good, loads of energy was rushing through my body and mind. My imagination was going crazy, thinking of all the possibilities that life had to offer with my dance moves. I was in the zone of living a life that we all do when we are alone, and dancing.... we all do this right? Of course we do... some I’ve heard even grab a hair brush and sing into it... i tend to use an empty bottle of pop... its lighter and you don’t get a mouth full of hair... hate that!
Why is it that music can make us feel like this... plus a smidge of red wine?! I love those moments that you left yourself do those things that others might think you’re a fool for! Letting your guard down, doing what feels right, and not a care in the world. Giving yourself the go ahead to let your mind go to those places that we as adults think is a forbidden place. Crazy that when we get older we don’t allow ourselves to have fun, kick back and let loose. We are way too serious about life....too worried about having the best career, car, house and appearance... all those things they say we don’t take with us when we die, but yet we all want!
I say let your guard down; enjoy the moment and your surroundings. If it just takes shutting your blinds, opening a bottle of red, turning up the iPod and dropping your pants... do it! I guess I didn’t mention I was in my underwear eh? Well, if it’s good enough for Tom Cruise in Risky Business, then it’s good enough for me! So next time you get stressed... or worried... turn up the music and dance like it’s your last dance. My only regret of the evening was not wearing better supporting underwear... man if anyone was around me I swear I could have taken them out with my left nut!